Saturday, March 31, 2012


Trying to use Dragon speak

AApril 1 Palm Sunday the year 2012.
The joy of the coming of the Messiah. Christ was always teaching the word of God. All his examples were extreme ones. One can recognize that from his parables. The people wanted a Messiah. They also wanted a hero.A Hero that would change your life through cod and him nquest of their enemies. The Romans were a severe oppressor. All people underneath them wanted a physical hero. This hero was to deliver them from their enemies without sacrifice. They wanted something for nothing. They wanted a God that would deliver them out of the hands of their enemies but why sho is the Jews already had many kings that overthrew their enemies but in them dues disobeying the laws of God were given to their enemies by their own hand. Why words not there other kings the Messiah and deliver them out of bondage forever.

Christ wanted to show them that God would show them how to spiritually improve themselves so eventually they would discard the tyrants of their day. The problem with this approach is it takes a lot of sacrifice and a lot of time to create peace and harmony with each other. War never created peace in the long run only it creates peace for a period of time but if evil develops and the word of God is ignored again will come the water and the extreme sacrifice for nothing. Some wars are fought for preservation of a way of life but this life cannot be purpura preserved if the laws of God are denied. Hatred, jealousy, pride, lust, greed and lack of compassion our old sinful ways. But war does not change these since. War only delays evil. Only evil can be deleted to feed it by using God's direction to satisfy wrongs. Unfortunately people think a fanatic is a person that will not fight. Fighting occurs when there's so communication between people. One must also defend what he believed if a world turns evil we have to fight to correct it. This is quite a sacrifice. Ford goes against all we have been talked. And even in defending ourselves in the long term we are punished by our memories of the conflagration.
War was always present in the Old Testament and it would seem that God condoned it. The Jews were taken by the Egyptians as slaves they in turn were directed to the promised land where they in turn destroyed other people and other kingdoms. It would seem that the New Testament gave us a different point of view point this point of view is that you could love one another as thyself. We will still have more and there will be evil plenty of it to fight. But war should not be used to promote the self-interest of power and greed. We cannot turn the other cheek on evil but must come fullface to it. But we must not fall to the evils of war but concentrate on war as a corrective function that would eliminate suffering and persecution. The soldiers of the Lord God should be like his angels defending the faith, the principles of Jesus Christ. A soldier does not have to be evil a soldier can fight for good as well but he must be careful not to be reduced of his adversary. This cake great sacrifice on the soldiers part. But if the soldier believes in Jesus he fights for his salvation. He also must protect the innocent as it they will not be seduced by the evil of the adversary. There is a thin line between evil and good but Christ tells us we must try to make our choices for good. This means that we should try to Karen war. Also to be strong enough to defend ourselves for the principles of good. This is a hard choice for any soldier..

Friday, March 02, 2012


A trip in time saves nine

Last night I returned to the blind rehabilitation center. This was after using paratransit to go home. As usual my driver got lost. I live on W. 39th St. They always get lost by going to 39th St. I felt that I should call them up to inform them that maybe if they get lost they should look and make sure it's W. 39th St. and not 39th St. They told me that the driver just was held up by a train. After waiting for 15 min. I recall them. The dispatcher said that the driver seemed to be lost. I reiterated to her that the problem lies that he was probably on 39th St. I held onto the line until they contacted him again through their FM radio. He was wandering around asking all kinds of questions on how to find this little street. The problem is that this little street is both that ended on both ends. Biggest intersection is on Ogden and Joliet Road. So again he looked of course he went past the street. And wound up he wound up in an area that is famous for getting lost. This place is Riverside Illinois. Designed by Mr. or stead. All the streets there seem to go in circles. This was to eliminate people it wanted to go through the little village to the bigger part of North Riverside. After an hour or so or more he finally arrived. He informed me that he was 26 years old and this was his first job. I thought to myself it might be his last. I sympathize with him. For I told him that many bus drivers and taxicabs get lost trying to find my place.
So I arrived at the blind rehabilitation center after being out for three or four hours. Unfortunately most of my time was spent waiting for the CTA bus And the so But then who could complain since the cost was only three dollars for the ride.
So I arrived at as semi-darkened blind rehabilitation center where it seemed most were sleep. And I was to soon be in that condition myself.

Thursday, March 01, 2012


Blind rehabilitation center

Hello, I am at the blind rehabilitation center. My objective is to use and create Dragon speak so I can talk direct move online to my blog. This will enable me to write more. Also I found Zoom text and over Dragon speak. Unfortunately we have some bugs that have occurred within this process. But they will be ironed out by my illustrious teacher. Have some wonderful programs for those that are visually impaired. I will post a picture of myself and anybody else I can get on this e-mail to show you. People at work.

Today we also all sent in an application for the Hadley school for the blind. I will take a class called elements of poetry. This is no short course. But I want to take the course. I have written many narratives. They are in poetry form. I want to be able to express myself and my life events in a structured poetry concept. This will allow me to enter poems in forms that can be entered into competition. Many of my paintings are inspired by my narrative type poetry. I would like to improve these narratives and convert them to a structured poetry.

I am a self-taught individual. Most of the things I have done have been learned by doing. This process of painting what is expressed in words keeps me in illustrating a lifetime. This lifetime accentuates the concept of improving body mind and soul.
I believe that we must unify body mind and soul to fulfill our lives. Many people improved body. They go to school for mind. They go to church and read the Bible or some other book about another religion to greet faith and soul. Unite all three functions of there being.
I hope you agree that this is one of a better approach in creating a better life.
We seem to battle the philosophical ideas versus science and faith. Each one of these ideas seems to be at odds. They are not they also have to be unified into body mind and soul. Each as a powerful place within our being.

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