Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Have Patience – my New Year's resolution

At Christmas time I received a gift of a new camera now I can post my paintings. Also if you look on Facebook, there are pictures of my birthday party and Christmas and New Year's parties. I hope to post also some of my new paintings.
I am still having some problems with my computer programs of Dragon and Zoom text. The problem is that the commands of Dragon conflict with the Internet and I have a negative black screen. This high-intensity black screen this allows me to view my paintings and my pictures in a correct manner.
This problem will be solved with a little tinkering this means that it will take more time on the computer.
I also have an exhibit in Oak Park on January 8. So there's a lot of work to be done and I will try in the new year to concentrate on my art, my blog, and getting to know how to use Facebook.
Speaking about Facebook I have some patriot paintings posted their.

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