Sunday, September 14, 2008



Forever Art
Thursday, September 4, 2008

"It is not that I belong to the past, but the past that belongs to me." -Mary Antin


Ebb Tide said...
Thanks for posting my invitation to my art show. Wouldn't it be nice if it's not inverted? Two more weeks and it will be here. I am tired of too many preparations but I know it's going to be great & rewarding. I never had a solo art show before and this my first one.
9:22 AM
SandyCarlson said...
Your invitation is beautiful!
1:57 PM
Ebb Tide said...
I am visiting for the 2nd time. I think the invitation is okay upside down. I am getting tense preparing for this big day.
9:50 AM
Lloyd Irving Bradbury said...
I feel a little tired today. we went to Portage Wis. to see my Children. As we left home the Desplains River was lapping at our door. Our street was flooded abd we splached out of the closed road. on our way we got lost and stood in traffic. Instead od a three hour drive it took us 4 hour In Wis we got lost due to a bridge outage.We were in time for one childs school class. Next day we spent 4 hours sbnopping for school cloths My camera broke so no pictures. We got lost coming home again and it took five hours this time. I tryed t mail your DVD but just got to the P> O today we saw a poateds paper on our doo r that our apartments are to be sold. I now developed a bvladder infection and go tomorrow for tests. A lady called to day to pick up donatesd painting and also read your comment that i inverted you invit to your art show!I AM GOIMG TO TAKE A NAP NOW AND START OVER WHEN i AWAKE!
1:46 PM

Thanks for posting my invitation to my art show. Wouldn't it be nice if it's not inverted? Two more weeks and it will be here. I am tired of too many preparations but I know it's going to be great & rewarding. I never had a solo art show before and this my first one.
Your invitation is beautiful!
I am visiting for the 2nd time. I think the invitation is okay upside down. I am getting tense preparing for this big day.
I feel a little tired today. we went to Portage Wis. to see my Children. As we left home the Desplains River was lapping at our door. Our street was flooded abd we splached out of the closed road. on our way we got lost and stood in traffic. Instead od a three hour drive it took us 4 hour In Wis we got lost due to a bridge outage.We were in time for one childs school class. Next day we spent 4 hours sbnopping for school cloths My camera broke so no pictures. We got lost coming home again and it took five hours this time. I tryed t mail your DVD but just got to the P> O today we saw a poateds paper on our doo r that our apartments are to be sold. I now developed a bvladder infection and go tomorrow for tests. A lady called to day to pick up donatesd painting and also read your comment that i inverted you invit to your art show!
Are you awake now? Thanks for sharing your real life stories. Wish was can exchange places. You're having flood there while we continue to have heat wave. I hope
you will feel better.
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