Thursday, May 15, 2008


Are You ready to Glaze??? With me ! pasrt 4

We will need the following paints,
Product name AMERICANA....20- fl oz........
True Blue
real Red
Bright Yellow
Glaze Medium
All total cost 5 brush 2-inch soft brisle or larger. hardware store type.......................
Your three 8x10 inch GESSOED Painted panels are also need3ed .Did you do that yet Sandy>

Wow, that's really neat looking.
Your Art shows your passion for life and indeed you are very talented.

Thanks for visiting my blog and your comments.
can't wait to see the finished product!! =)
I'll be ready to paint on Tuesday! I'll get the supplies tomorrow. (Sorry not to be back sooner!)

I love this sketch.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Just came back from our nice trip yesterday. Went to Carmel-by the-sea (No. Ca.) for 4 days. We looked at their annual art festival. I was just a viewer and not a participant. Homecoming was very sad. My husband and I took lots of trips over the years and when we get home, his dog was always there to greet us. On our drive back home, our son called that she passed away. She's old (1 yrs. old). She died and couldn't wait for us to get back. I'll be painting all day today to ease the sadness.
Sorry, our dog is 14 yrs old, not 1 yr. old. The #4 dissappeared while typing.
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